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Clanny privacy policy

Clanny stores some personally identifiable data. Depending on the features you use Clanny may store your Discord server ID, Discord user ID (used in verification), Roblox user ID (used in verification).

Aditionally Clanny stores some data temporarily in a cache, this includes your public Roblox profile (including username and profile picture), XP values, /exp progress bar images, user verification data, Discord server IDs, Roblox group IDs (and the binding between Discord and Roblox server/group IDs), rank configurations, user ranks.

Clanny also stores user XP values, medal configuration, medal bindings, rank configurations, user ranks, audit logs, group blacklists, (hashed) group API keys and the name of the account used for managing the group on the Roblox side.

Clanny uses Google Firebase Firestore, MongoDB Atlas, Contabo, Roblox and Discord for storing and/or processing data.

As per GDPR regulations data downloads can be requested by contacting @piano1029 on Discord, data can be changed and data can be deleted.